
Are There Any Animals Dangerous To Humans In Norway

Whenever y'all travel to someplace new, you will desire to learn about potentially dangerous animals and wildlife where yous are going, and this should likewise be the instance when you plan on visiting Norway.

There are generally very few dangerous animals in Norway, but in that location are some that could potentially could some impairment to y'all. However, larn what to wait from the wild animals and how to deport, and you will be very safe when travelling the Norwegian wilderness.

You lot are very unlikely to exist attacked by whatever animate being while visiting Norway, and nearly Norwegians hike in the woods or the mountains without a worry in the world.

I will be looking closer at all these potentially dangerous animals in Norway in this article, and giving some tips on what to look and how to behave if you run across whatsoever of these animals.

As a Norwegian biologist, I experience qualified to requite advice on Norwegian wild animals, and you lot will notice that I won't sensationalize many of the animals as much as other websites do. Virtually animals in Norway are harmless as long every bit y'all don't try to sneak up on them.

Norwegian wolf
There are wolves in Norway. Photograph published with permission.

Brown bears

Many people are afraid of meeting brown bears in Kingdom of norway, just these are null like the grizzly bears or blackness bears that y'all tin can detect in the United states. The chocolate-brown bears of Norway are really extremely shy and tend to stay far away from humans.

There are roughly 150 brown bears in Norway, and near are found shut to the Swedish edge. There accept been a few bear attacks in the last few decades, but these are usually tied to hunters that manage to shoot the behave without killing information technology when they are on a bear hunt. This volition cause the carry to defend itself, so don't become around shooting brown bears if you don't know what y'all are doing.

Yous should not be concerned about meeting bears when yous are out in the forests in Kingdom of norway. They are extremely rare, and will run abroad long before yous are fifty-fifty close to them.

The merely bear that might exist a trouble is a mother with a cub. She might do what nosotros call a skinnangrep, which tin can be translated to a faux attack. If she has cubs nearby, she might pretend to attack you, merely she volition either run right by yous or stop but in front of you. The goal is to let the cubs take some seconds extra to exist able to climb up into a tree and get away from your (which they perceive as a threat). These attacks are extremely rare.

If you encounter a wild chocolate-brown behave without cubs, the right action is to shout or talk loudly to the bear to alert it that y'all are close. This will crusade information technology to run abroad. Scientific studies on the bears in Norway have yet to hear of or see a bear encounter where the bear does non run away immediately unless it is protecting a cub.

If you lot encounter a bear with cubs, also back abroad, but be prepared that the female parent might follow you lot. However, do non worry, because she will merely make certain that you don't go too close to the cubs. If y'all see a cub, head away from information technology.

Brown bear
There are brownish bears in Norway. Photograph published with permission.


There are just over 100 wolves in Norway, and while many people are afraid of them, they don't really pose a threat to people. There are no records of wolves attacking humans in Norway in the last 100 years, so you lot tin feel very rubber around them.

The Norwegian wolves are merely plant in the south-eastern part of Norway, primarily in the wood east of Oslo along the border to Sweden. They will stay far away from humans, but you lot are brash to keep dogs on a leash if you ever travel in the woods where in that location are wolves shut past. This is because the wolves can see the dogs equally rivals and kill them.

You should not be agape of wolves in Norway, even if you travel to an area where they are. If yous are lucky enough to meet one, only gently walk away, and the wolf will run in the other direction.

Polar bears

Polar bears are then only real wild animals threat to humans in Norway, only we do not fifty-fifty accept polar bears in mainland Kingdom of norway. These are exclusively found on the island Svalbard (also known every bit Spitsbergen), located far north of the mainland.

If you lot always visit Svalbard, polar bears should be a existent concern. You are not legally immune to go outside of the city border in Longyearbyen without being armed with a gun to protect yourself from polar bear attacks, and tourists should ever be accompanied past a certified and armed guide.

Polar bears can attack and kill humans, and might even hunt humans for food. One person is killed past a polar bear on Svalbard always 10 years on average, so these attacks does happen from fourth dimension to time, only very rarely.

The big thing that separates polar bears from the other animals on the list is that polar bears are the simply animal that actively hunt and assail humans. All the other animals on the list will only attack or cause impairment if they feel that they demand to defend themselves.

But if you ever visit mainland Norway, polar bears are not a thing at all.

Polar bear
A polar behave. Photo published with permission.

Musk ox

In that location is a single herd of musk ox in Kingdom of norway, and these are all located in the Dovre-area. Musk oxen are pop for wildlife tourists who desire to run into these animals for themselves, just since they are merely found in this single area, most people won't take to worry about them at all.

You will need to accept some precautions if you do decide to visit Dovre. Musk oxen tin can be pretty aggressive, and they will assail if you become also close to them. The general rule is to stay 200 meters away from them, which means that you should look at them trough a binocular or camera lens.

In that location are usually some tourists that gets attacked by musk oxen each summer, and in most cases the reason is because they got besides shut. So stay far away and enjoy the sight!

The musk oxen will non really intendance about you until yous get as well close, so you can stand and watch them for some time while they do their thing. If you lot get closer, they will probable start to feel anxious, and at this betoken yous should be very conscientious near getting closer. They will defend themselves if they feel threatened.

Also read: How to go on a musk ox safari.

Two musk oxen headbutting
Two musk oxen headbutting. Photo by Gregory "Slobirdr" Smith / CC Past-SA ii.0.

Moose (Eurasian elk)

There are lots of moose in most parts on Kingdom of norway, and these large herbivores can actually be dangerous for humans. They do not apply their antlers to protect themselves, but they volition boot if they feel threatened.

Almost moose attacks come from females that are protecting a dogie. If the female feel threatened, she might attack y'all to let the dogie run away. The attack is ordinarily not actually dangerous, but it tin exist very scary. Her objective is to give the calf time to run away while you are busy with the mother.

If you always encounter a moose with a dogie, stay at a long range and enjoy the view. Don't try to get close, and back away if they movement towards you lot.

Moose are very common in Norway, and yous might be lucky and see a wild i with your own optics while visiting. The all-time hazard of seeing i is from a motorcar or bus, because they often tend to go to fields to eat, and are very easy to spot when they are standing on a field, especially at winter when there is snow cover.

Norwegian moose
Norwegian moose. Photo published with permission.


More people are hurt by cows than either wolves, bears or polar bears in Norway, which might come as a surprise. There are no wild cows in Norway, just many farmers permit their cows out into the wild to graze during the summer. This means that a lot of hikers and tourists will meet cows in the wild when they are in the forest or mountains.

Cows are usually not very dangerous, just just like the moose, mothers with calves can exist pretty ambitious. So stay articulate of any mother-calf-combo you come up across.

If you desire to stay on the condom side, don't approach the cows at all, and let them pass or walk a few meters away from them. They won't mind you lot walking past them, but might not like information technology if you try to bear upon or pet them.

Attacks from cows are usually not dangerous, but they can kick hard and button you over easily. And while some people might think it is funny to include cows on the list, be aware that these are at the top iii of the list of the animals that causes the most injuries to humans in Norway. The other 2 are dogs and bees.

A free-ranging moo-cow. Photo: Nicklas Iversen /

European adder

European adder is the but venomous snake nosotros have in Norway, and while it is considered venomous, virtually people handle the venom just fine without any medical help. If y'all get bitten, at that place is almost seventy % chance of the bite inflicting venom. This will cause the expanse to swell, and you lot are advised to go to the nearest hospital to get examined and potentially get antivenom.

Deaths from European adders are very rare in Norway, but information technology can happen. Nevertheless, if yous get to a hospital, the run a risk of dying is very low. Symptoms of venom from the European adder is swelling, nausea, hurting in the area close to the seize with teeth, dizziness, stomach pains or palpitations (racing heart).

Read more about snakes in Kingdom of norway here.

European adders can exist seen by their crossed pattern on their back. The body itself is grey or brown, while the pattern in usually very nighttime or blackness. There are also a few European adders that are completely black, due to a genetic pigmentation problem.

You will usually encounter European adders on warm, sunny days close to the body of water. They enjoy laying on rocks to sunbathe, simply they can also be found in the woods. A bite from an European adder is very rare, and most people have never been bitten themselves or take even heard of a person who has been bitten. I was personally bitten by 1 when I was a young child, only luckily I didn't go very sick.

European adder
European adder. Photo by NIcklas Iversen /


Ticks are very common in the southern function of Kingdom of norway, and tin be considered dangerous since they can carry bacteria or viruses that tin crusade diseases in humans. Ticks are small-scale insect-similar animals that wait patiently for a host to appear earlier they jump to this host. Once in that location, they dig into the skin to outset sucking blood from the host.

If you go hiking in the forest when ticks are active, you can await to get several of them on your body. They will attach to your skin after a few hours, so you should pick them before this.

The best way to avoid issues with ticks is to always do a check after a hike in the forest. They are usually very like shooting fish in a barrel to spot since they are either red or black, and they will progressively get easier to spot later on they go bigger since they become filled with blood.

The general rule of thumb is to e'er pick all ticks earlier they have been on your body for 24 hours. The risk of getting infected by a disease in the first 24 hours is considered very low.

Ticks are common in all of southern Norway- Photo published with permission.


We haven't had boars in Norway for more than a few years, but they have migrated from Sweden and seem to abound in numbers. While at that place haven't been records of whatever attacks or injuries from boars in Norway thus far, data from other countries suggest that these can exist pretty dangerous if you go likewise close to them.

If yous meet a wild boar, practise not approach information technology. Stay far away from it.

The boars in Norway are all found close to the Swedish edge in the area effectually the urban center Halden, then yous won't demand to worry nearly them anywhere else (simply however). They are likely to spread to other parts of Norway in the coming years, simply for now their range is very limited.

Dangerous marine and freshwater animals in Norway

There are some fish and jellyfish that tin can exist considered dangerous here in Norway, merely almost Norwegians don't even actually know a lot about these. The virtually common poisonous fish in Norway is called greater weever (Trachinus draco), or fjesing in norwegian. This tin crusade some hurting if you footstep on whatsoever of its dorsal fins, but it is not really dangerous.

The pike can besides crusade some harm. Information technology is actually very aggressive, and there are some examples of pikes that have bitten humans in their toes or legs when they have been pond. A lilliputian painful, but not dangerous.

Norwegian children typically too learn to stay away from the jellyfish called lion's mane jellyfish. This animal is not really unsafe, only it tin exist very painful to go stung by it, so just stay abroad if you run across one.

Other than that, near Norwegians just go pond on either the bounding main or lakes without much worry about the animals that can be in that location. Attacks from big fish are considered extremely rare.

Sharks are really pretty common in Norway, simply in that location have not been a single tape of a shark assail in Norwegian waters. They usually shy abroad from humans, and exercise not see us every bit a prey. The same tin be said for orcas.

Basking shark
Basking shark, one of the sharks you lot tin observe in the Norwegian fjords. Photo published with permission.

Norwegian animals that are in no way dangerous to humans

This role of the article includes animals that are not dangerous at all, but for some reason seem to get a spot on other websites that are writing about dangerous animals in Norway. However, all the animals below are completely harmless to humans, and you lot should not exist scared if you encounter one.

Wolverines are extremely rare, and can be establish loftier up in the mountains in sure parts of Norway. These pocket-sized animals have never been knows to attack or even get close to humans. In fact, they are and so shy that information technology is considered to be very rare to even see ane even if you spend a lot of time looking for them. Near wolverine sightings are from very far away, using binoculars, and you won't ever go to exist shut to a wild one.

Eurasian lynx are a pocket-sized predator which is found in most parts of Norway. Many people are under the impression that the lynx could potentially be dangerous, but there are no records of a lynx ever attacking a human. So y'all should not be scared of them at all, considering you lot are ane) extremely unlikely to ever see one, and 2) they will just run away from you if they run across you. Lynx are typically found close to human settlements (because this is where their prey the roe deer is), just you probably won't ever see one.

Lynx in the snow
Lynx in the snow. Photo published with permission.

Reindeer are a strict herbivore that won't cause whatever harm to humans. Wild reindeer alive in huge herds that will run away if you get also close to them. Since they are always on the lookout for potential threats, getting shut to a herd is very difficult.

Spiders tin be venomous, but the Norwegian spiders are not venomous plenty to be considered dangerous. While a few species tin can cause some swelling if you go bitten, no ane tin cause any real harm. And how ofttimes do y'all fifty-fifty get flake by a spider anyway?

You don't really need to worry well-nigh wildlife or dangerous animals in Norway if you lot prove the animals some respect

Equally long as y'all respect all the wild animals you run across by giving them space, there is not really a demand to worry virtually any wild see in Kingdom of norway. Fifty-fifty the European adder will try to become abroad from you before resorting to biting, so just accept it slow and requite the creature some space if you come across one.

Walking in the forest or going on hikes in the mountains is considered very safe in regards to animals. Y'all are much more than likely to become injuries from other sources then from an encounter with a wild creature, and then rather focus your energy on staying safety from hiking injuries instead.


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