Animals in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Animals in Queen Elizabeth National Park:Queen Elizabeth National Park is naturally endowed with a lot of beast species and is well known as the best in Republic of uganda when it comes to fauna/wildlife. Queen Elizabeth is i of the largest national parks in Uganda; it is half the size of Murchison falls national park. Queen Elizabeth national park every bit over 95 mammals and this is inclusive of the Africa'south big five apart from the white rhino. The animals the master attractions for Queen Elizabeth national park and are partially reason for the fame that Queen Elizabeth national park has earned in east Africa.

Big cats

Tree climbing lions of ishasha are some of the animals in Queen Elizabeth national park and are the major big cats of Queen Elizabeth National Park. And they make a highlight of every east African safari. They are unique animals special to queen Elizabeth national park and found in the southern area of Queen Elizabeth national park in ishasha sector. They are tree climbers indeed considering they are seen in the tree branches of candelabra trees of the Savannah. The reasons every bit to why these kings of the jungle climb trees are at present known;

  • The lions in ishasha climb copse when they are running away from the bitter tsetse flies on the ground, and then they climb the copse for protection from the insects.
  • Some other reason is, to view their prey well from up in the trees. The tree climbing lions of ishasha accept spy tendencies and they love spying the Uganda kobs grazing in the field.
  • And lastly, the lions of ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth national park climb copse to run abroad from the hot basis during the dry flavor; January and February. The lions climb up in the branches of the candelabra trees to cool down, and sometimes they fifty-fifty fall asleep upwards in the tree branches during the mean solar day.

Other cats include the leopards; they are mainly nocturnal and are camouflage; they blend with their bushy hideouts. The leopards are mainly seen in the dark/ nocturnal game drives in Queen Elizabeth national park. The small cats include; the civet genal, and the serval cats; they are also nocturnal animals and seeing them is better in the night game drive.


Queen Elizabeth has most ten species of primates but the most prominent one is the chimpanzee family. Queen Elizabeth national park chimpanzees alive in kyambura gorge; a strip of rainforest through broad savannah grassland. The chimps are some of the animals in queen Elizabeth national park and are an endangered group of primates in Uganda, so everywhere they are plant is like a sanctuary for. You stand a 50% chance to see the chimpanzees when you visit kyambura gorge for chimpanzee tracking in queen Elizabeth national park. Other primates in queen elizabeth national park are; blackness and white colubus monkeys, the red tailed monkeys and the bluish monkeys among the rest.

The big game

The big game of queen elizabeth national park include the hippos, elephants and buffaloes. Queen Elizabeth national park has about 5000 hippos, 2500 elephants and over k buffaloes living in the vast savanna plains. They are mainly seen during the game drive and kazinga channel and Lake George shorelines.

Others animals include the behemothic forest hogs easily seen during the game drives and they are common in  queen Elizabeth national park, the mongooses are also small animals of the rodent family they are mainly constitute in areas of mweya peninsular, the kobs are very mutual through queen Elizabeth national park, statunga antelopes, and h2o backs among others.

Queen Elizabeth national park a true protected area with a large number of herbivores; animals that graze, and a number of cats similar the animals which prey on the herbivores in orders to sustain the residuum in the ecosystems of queen Elizabeth national park.

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